Girls" Generation member and actor Seohyun delivered The Last Of Us: Left Behind about the Dispatch article. In a recent magazine Esquire channel, a video titled ⁇ Seohyun is now half-word good? ⁇ In the video, Seohyun exercised for 30 minutes with his TMI. When I take a picture, I do not get a good picture if I have a little swelling. "Aerobic exercise is really effective when I remove the swelling." Above all, Seohyun laughed at the article photo titled Seohyun ⁇ , an entertainer abandoned by ⁇ Dispatch. "I read a book here, but I read a book, and then I went with my manager." So I talked and said, "The Last Of Us: Left Behind." Seohyun is also a wreath sent by Sisters when she was in the first musical year of the year for the wreath photos sent by Girls' Generation members. And when we go to other members, we send them like this. We always make fun phrases like this, so we should not be ordinary. We do Voting and each other's opinions, and you can only play with each other. I remember collecting the best phrases and always sending them, "he recalled. Seohyun said, "Sooyoung Sister and Hyo-yeon Sister suddenly said that it was so funny." "I think the two Sisters did well." Seohyun gave a laugh with an awkward half-word at the time of the performance "Happy Together". I did not know that people would have fun like this. In particular, while reading a comment on Legend, Seohyun laughed, saying, "Seohyun is the best performing arts, and this is my laughing landmine." "It was really awkward when I was really bad at half-word," he added. "So the way I found it was like a History, so I thought it was okay. Finally, Seohyun, who appeared in the movie Moral Sense, appeared to have used all the profanity that he had never done before in his life. The Last Of Us: Left Behind. Esquire Korea ⁇