Han Hye-jin talks about revealing the reason for Breakup between lovers. The story of ko Min-nam, who feels that he is slightly out of step with GFriend, who thought he was in good shape with Jasin, will be broadcast on ⁇ Love Naggers ⁇ 189, which is broadcasted on KBS Joy channel on August 22nd. ko Min-nam and GFriend, who have been dating for over a year, are a couple who have a T-like tendency so that they can not afford to be a couple. ko Min-nam said, "Do not you think I'm fat? I think I'm a little bit tired of GFriend's question. I do not think it would be a good idea to take it out with exercise, and I think it would be nice to have a good conversation with GFriend. One day, ko Min-nam, who thought that there was no one in the world that fits so well, suddenly GFriend said, "We seem to be so different." Breakup tells us to do so, and ko Min-nam, who does not understand the word, asks why. He just says he does not really know. ko Min-nam, who has a tendency to extreme T, can not reverse the Breakup, but I wondered why GFriend wanted to break up. I talked to my colleagues and wondered if I had made any mistakes. A week later, I called her and asked her why she was separated from Jasin because of OO. GFriend said that it was not because of that. She was ignoring me! Breakup At the time of Breakup, I told Breakup that I thought it was too different, but later I found out that Han Hye-jin, who heard GFriend's intention to break up because he thought Jasin was ignored, said that he wanted to break up because he thought he was ignoring me. . To ko Min-nam, who wants to keep his love, Kwak Jung-eun said, "How arrogant is it to mistake each other for an alphabet?" And the opinions of the five MCs were sharply divided. On the other hand, the story of GFriend, who is lonely and sad because of Boyfriend, who has a great affinity, and the story of a troubled girl who wants to stop Boyfriend's kingship, will be broadcasted on KBS Joy channel on the 22nd.