heavy rain poured into the All States resulted in dozens of Best Doctors casualties and property Damage! Donation processions of stars such as Lim Young-woong, Yoo Jae-Suk, Kim Woo-bin, and PSY followed to support the recovery of the areas that Suma had scratched. According to the Central disaster and Safety Countermeasures Headquarters of the Ministry of Public Administration and Security, 40 people were killed at 11 a.m., including 34 injured and nine missing. All states are helping to recover from flood damage, and the stars have been asking for help to recover. Lim Young-woong donated a total of 200 million won to the fruit of love, 100 million won each, along with his agency Fish Music, in the name of the fan club ⁇ Hero Age ⁇ . He has been Donation Now in the name of 'Hero Age' every birthday. "I want to give comfort to those who wear Damage! With this heavy rain," he said. "I wish I could help you recover quickly in your daily life." Actors Kim Hye-soo, Kim Woo-bin, and Shin Min-a also participated in the Donation procession with 100 million won through the Hope Bridge Korea disaster Relief Association. In particular, Kim Hye-soo donated 100 million won to Cloudburst last year. Kim Jung-hee, general secretary of Hope Bridge, said, "I am grateful to Kim Hye-soo for taking the lead in Donation whenever I have a problem." Kim Woo-bin, Shin Min-a, who has been in business for eight years since 2015. The agency said, "I joined Donation with the desire to express my deepest condolences to everyone who saw Damage! Singers Lee Chan-won and PSY also donated 100 million won to support Cloudburst Damage!, both of whom said, "I hope everyone wearing Damage! will be able to return to their daily lives as soon as possible." Chongju Broadcasting's Osong underground car disaster, where 13 Best Doctors have been killed to date. Actor Han Hyo-joo, who is home to Cheongju Broadcasting, donated 50 million won. He said, "I sincerely hope that the flood victims will be able to recover their lives as soon as possible." Han Hyo-joo's Donation gold is heavy rain Damage! It will be used for restoration, provision of relief goods for victims, and housing support. Comedians Yoo Jae-Suk and Park Narae put their names on the Donation list with 100 million won and 10 million won, respectively. Yoo Jae-Suk, who has been doing good deeds with steady Donation whenever disaster such as typhoons, floods, forest fires and earthquakes occurs, said, "I am deeply grateful to those who wear Damage! IMBC ⁇ Photo iMBC DB