Damage! Damaged all over the country with heavy rain, many entertainers took off and joined Donation. Hope Bridge Korea Disaster Relief Association (Chairman Song Pil-ho) announced on the 17th that actor Kim Hye-soo donated 100 million won Now. Kim Hye-soo has been on Donation in the event of major and minor disasters such as Gangwon Forest Fire Damage! Neighbor Help in 2019, COVID-19 in 2020, East Coast Forest Fire in 2022, and flood in 2022. Actor Siwan also donated 30 million won to Hope Bridge Korea Disaster Relief Association on the same day. Siwan explains that Cloudburst has all states that Damage! Is big, and Hope Bridge explains that he joined Donation in a hurry during shooting. Actor Han Hyo-joo also donated 50 million won to the same organization. "Han Hyo-joo can not dare to guess the sadness of those who wear Damage! I sincerely Hope that flood victims will be able to recover their lives as soon as possible. " Han Hyo-joo is the Damage of COVID-19 (hereinafter referred to as COVID-19)! To support Hope Bridge Korea Disaster Relief Association, 100 million won is donated to Donation, and Hope Bridge Honors Sam's Club, a private DonationSam's Club, is committed to spreading the culture of sharing. Starting with the disaster in 2014, every time a disaster such as typhoon, flood, forest fire and earthquake occurs, Damage! Yoo Jae-Suk, a broadcaster who has been steadily doing good work by participating in sharing for Neighbor, donated 100 million won to Hope Bridge Korea Disaster Relief Association. Singer Lim Young-woong, along with his agency, donated 200 million won in the name of Fan Sam's Club ⁇ Hero Age ⁇ for the support of Cloudburst Damage! Now is a torrential rainstorm Damage! It will be used for restoration of the area, provision of relief goods, and housing support. Kim Woo-bin, Lee Chan-won, and Lee Hye-young also expressed their warm heart to Donation for Damage! Neighbor. According to the provisional Damage! status compiled by the Central Disaster and Safety Countermeasures Headquarters (CDS) during the day, the death toll was 40, an increase of one from 6 a.m. A total of 13 people were killed in the Osong underground car accident in Osong, Chungcheongbuk-do.