Running Man' Ji Suk-jin, Heather Stanning and appeared in Song Ji-hyo "Kim Jong-kook and Couple Heather Stanning?"

The members were surprised by Song Ji-hyo's unconventional move. On the 18th SBS Running Man', 'Lucky Number' Race was held. Prior to the full-scale Race, the members were surprised to see Song Ji-hyo, who appeared with his legs Heather Stanning. Yoo Jae-Suk pointed out, "Why are you doing this to Heather Stanning these days?" Members who felt that Heather Stanning's degree was excessive began to say a word, and Yang Se-chan revealed that "I was in the Heather Stanning barrel for seven hours." So Min said, "Are not you asleep? "I was surprised. And Ji Suk-jin said, "If you bake cookies this much, throw them away." Kim Jong-kook also laughed, saying, "I thought it was jerky." Ji Suk-jin then compared Kim Jong-kook's leg color with Song Ji-hyo's leg color and said, "I like this color." Then he said, "Oh, it's a little couple," he said, "Did you have Heather Stanning with you?" Kim Jong-kook said, "No, he told me where he was doing Heather Stanning. So what, why?" Ji Suk-jin shut his mouth.