⁇ Same Bed, Different Dreams 2: You Are My Dest ⁇ Yeo Esther Husband Hong Hye-geol ⁇ It was said to be ranked # 1 in Husband. Same Bed, Different Dreams 2 Season 2 - You got my fate on the air. Yeo Esther, a 100 billion CEO, appeared as a special MC, especially Yeo Esther Husband, Hong Hye-geol, Jang Hang-jun and Lee Sang-soon. I went to Gim Gu-ra, but Jeju Island was a palace, and I was living in a single-family house with a courtyard in a luxury swimming pool. Yeo Esther said, "I had lung surgery last year during the first year of economic activity, but it is lung cancer in my biopsy. It is not a big deal. I have to live comfortably because I can not work as a lung cancer patient. I have to beat Hong Hye-geol. Yeo Esther, who is 30 years old this year, is in Seoul.