Gangnam District's over-the-top prank on Mother caused a shock. On June 16, Channel A entertainment program 'Oh Eun-young's Gold Counseling Center' revealed the troubles of singer Gangnam District and Mother Kwon Myung-sook. On this day, the Gangnam District Mother said, "My son did not grow up when he said good." Gangnam District said, "It is counterproductive. If Mother had grown up, it would not have been this much, but the reaction is good. " Gangnam District said, "My Mother is weak. She is the weakest person I have ever seen." The Gangnam District Mother said, "I do not want to talk about it. I was amazed and said, 'What is wrong with you?' The Gangnam District surprised everyone by saying, "I didn't flush the toilet on purpose because I had a big problem. An hour later, I heard screaming. I played the prank for three years. Since then, my Mother has not been able to use a closed toilet."