naval wing soldier, Gangnam District Super high-end residential complex House broadcasting first public (table for 4 people)

naval wing soldier unveils luxury House On October 23, at 8:10 pm, Channel A ⁇ a close Friend Tokyumentary 4-person dining table (hereinafter referred to as ⁇ ⁇ ⁇ ⁇ ⁇ ⁇ ⁇ ⁇ ⁇ ⁇ ⁇ ⁇ ⁇ ⁇ ⁇ ⁇ ⁇ ⁇ ⁇ ⁇ ⁇ ⁇ .................................... It will also show the life of a naval wing soldier and Wife Kang Mi-hyung in the Gangnam District high-rise residential complex of the naval wing soldier, which will be broadcasted for the first time. As a close Friend of naval wing soldier, there is a comedian Choi Hong-rim who has been living in a good shape for 8 years, a Friend Yoon Young-mi announcer who wants to introduce to Wife, and a close Friend Lee Jae-yong announcer who has a coveted progressive ability. Wife is the usual cook, and the husband is the naval wing soldier. Those who have been thoroughly divided in their marriages are going to go shopping together for a long time ahead of their guests. In particular, the naval wing soldier and Wife Kang Mi-hyung will show their breathing as a 37-year-old middle-aged couple who grumble at each other and adjust their hands and feet when needed. Eight years later, a close Friend Choi Hong-rim, the first visit to the naval wing soldier couple's House, delivers a rice cake gift that takes 200% of the taste of the naval wing soldier. The naval wing soldier who opened the gift that Choi Hong-rim bought showed a special attachment to eating because of the home environment that was not enough. In order to overcome the situation, she set up a dermatology clinic with her extraordinary talents inherited from her mother, and then operated a large laser clinic to change the paradigm of dermatology and reveal the anecdote that ran the road to success. The naval wing soldier reveals the love story that he met Wife through a college student meeting and the behind-the-scenes story that he saw at the invitation of his mother before marriage. In particular, the naval wing soldier reveals the episode at the time of the confrontation that he had not revealed so far, and Wife Kang Mi-hyung is the back door that he was embarrassed by the story he heard for the first time. Then, a delightful anecdote with his mother-in-law, who made the naval wing soldier, who died a few months ago, as a national son-in-law, will also be revealed. As a doctor, the naval wing soldier, who has always been talking about the death of the deceased, has been telling his mother-in-law that he has been trying hard to convey his greeting message.