Kim Sae-ron, the actor who caused the Drunk driving accident, received a fine of 20 million won as The Judge. Kim Sae-ron reflects on Drunk driving, but he has been unhappy about the controversy surrounding him, including Life and others. Kim Sae-ron appeared at the Seoul Central District Court in Seocho-gu, Seoul on May 5. Kim Sae-ron was charged with violating the Road Traffic Act (Drunk driving) and other charges. Kim Sae-ron made a brief statement after arriving at the courthouse, saying, "We are trying to recover from the damage. We have completed the damage compensation." When asked if there was a controversy over the fact that he was falsely appeasing "Life and," he replied, "I didn't appeas Life and. It's true that I'm doing Alba, and it's true that Penalty is strong." Kim Sae-ron's The Attorney said he had difficulties with damage compensation and advertising Penalty. However, Kim Sae-ron has been controversial when he appointed The Attorney as a large corporation with the top 10 sales among domestic law firms. Kim Sae-ron, who is about to face The Judgement, apologized, "I will not let this happen again. I'm sorry." Judge Lee Hwan-ki of the Seoul Central District Court, Kim Sae-ron said, "I'm sorry," but I asked if there was any unfair part. "Drinking itself is wrong," he said. "I can not explain what other things are not true. Asked what is not true, he replied, "I do not know how to tell you because there are too many things to point out one by one." Kim Sae-ron said, "Life and controversy," he said, "There are a lot of damages and penalties. And because I have spent a lot of money there," he said. I did not set the standard." On the other hand, Kim Sae-ron was caught by the police after escaping from an accident involving a transformer while driving a drunk on a road in Seoul Gangnam on May 18 last year. Kim Sae-ron's Drunk driving accident prevented the nearby shop from doing business in the morning. Kim Sae-ron fled in the smashed vehicle and was caught by police, who were called six to seven times to reports that the vehicle was "severely shaken." The vehicle is also said to have a passenger. Police confirmed Kim Sae-ron's drinking through a sobriety detector at the scene. However, in the process of measuring blood alcohol concentration, Kim Sae-ron refused to take a drinking test and wanted a blood test. Blood alcohol concentration was more than 0.2%, which is far above the license revocation standard.