Minah, I only remember Son Heung-min's Pre-Thumbnail'...Irony wIthout a masterpiece even in Acting 12th year

Minah comes up wIth the words Son Heung-min's ex-girlfriend' and 'Girl's Day'. I do not remember much about the Actor. The only thing that comes to mind is the work of seven years ago, 'Beauty and Soul'. He first appeared in MBC 'Believe in a Man' in 2011, and he worked ten days wIthout a break from Drama to the movie. However, even though It has been more than 10 years since I started Acting, It is the current status of Actor The way people from idol who does not have a masterpiece. On July 29, 2014, the sports and entertainment industry was hotly shaken. "No one, including 'Absolutely Guy', 'Check out the event', 'Best future' and 'Best life' did not win the heat wIth Son Heung-min. Soccer star Son Heung-min and Minah's love affair. According to reports, the two men enjoyed a romantic date in Gangnam area on July 16 and Samcheong-dong on July 17, when Minah's side acknowledged the relationship and suddenly became confused by the nuanced expression of change. In the end, the two ended the rumor on October 16, 2014, about three months later, wIth the official posItion that "they had not contacted each other since the opening." However, Minah's Girl's Day and Son Heung-min's football life at the time were so popular that It was difficult to calm down over time. Minah herself had a hard time erasing "Son Heung-min" as Acting. As an idol, she quickly rose to stardom, but as an Actor, she was humiliated. The most recent Drama that Minah appeared in was MBC 'Check out the event'. It stayed at the small audience rating of 1%. His previous film, "Absolute Boy," also had an average viewer rating of around 2%. Minah was recently cast in Ginny TV's original "Delivery Man" (directed by Kang Sol and Park Dae-hee, wrItten by Joo Hyo-jin and Park Hye-young and Han Bo-kyung, planned studio Ginny, and produced by Kotop Media). "Delivery Man" is an afterlife It investigative Drama by Seo Young-min (Yoon Chan-young), a Taxi driver, and kang ji-hyun (The way people), an amnesiac soul. It is set to premiere on March 1. Prior to the broadcast, The way people took a hard shot wIth the bishop, the artist, all the staff and the Actors in one accord so that they could be 'Delivery Man' to convey laughter, happiness and emotion to the audience. I hope that our desperate hearts will be 'delivered' to viewers well. I would like to ask for your love and interest.