Park Soo-hong released a video on his Cat-only YouTube channel 'Black Cat Dahong' on the 24th, titled 'Suda Hong! Park Soo-hong unveiled a Wedding ceremony with the name of himself and bride-to-be Kim Dae-yee through the video. Park Soo-hong will be holding a Wedding ceremony at 6:00 pm on December 23rd. He said, "Hello, everyone. I wanted to tell you this news first," he said. "We have become more solid as we have been through the hard times of our lives." "For those of us who have suffered the same difficulties, I will live well so that we can show happiness in the future. Please bless Dahong, the two of us, and the new Family." Thank you. " Park Soo-hong has released some of the scenery of the honeymoon house through the video along with his wedding invitations. Park Soo-hong and his wife's newly-married house had Park Soo-hong and his wife sitting in a tuxedo, a wedding dress, holding hands, and a picture frame sitting next to Dahongi. There was a dediCated space for Dahongi with a sign saying 'Welcome to DAHONG world'. Park Soo-hong showed Dahong lovingly touching and playing with him, along with a cut of his and his wife's Wedding album. The two people in the Wedding album seemed to be drawing a happy future by looking at each other in Korean traditional clothing. Meanwhile, Park Soo-hong completed a marriage report in July last year with his non-celebrity wife, who is 23 years younger. Park Soo-hong filed a complaint in April 2021, claiming that his brother and his wife embezzled corporate funds and used the performance fee for personal living expenses, and said, "The amount they embezzled amounted to 11.6 billion won." While he is currently undergoing a tough legal battle with his brother, there is a lot of cheering for the Wedding ceremony with bride-to-be.