The 581th episode of KBS 2TV's entertainment show "Immortal Songs: Singing the Legend," which will air on the 19th, will feature two special episodes of "Romantic Holiday 2022." Spider, Had Dong-gyun, Minnabi, Jo Sung-mo, Bobby Kim, Big Mama Lee Young-hyun, Huang Chi-hee, Kim Ho-joong and other vocalists sing romantic songs and breathe with the audience. Kim Ho-joong, who created a high-quality stage by singing Andrea Bocelli's remake songs 'Brucia La Terra' and 'Il Mare Calmo Della Sera' in the first part, selected Shim Sung-bong's 'One Million Rose' and Lee Sun-hee's 'Meet You Among Them'. Kim Ho-joong, dressed in a red velvet suit, sang the meaning of deep love in 'One Million Rose' against the backdrop of Rose petals falling. In the audience, a purple Cheering rod that cheers Kim Ho-joong formed another wave of Rose petals. Kim Ho-joong, who finished 'One Million Rose', said, "Thanks to your Cheering and Cheering, I feel like I can sing half crazy." Kim Ho-joong recently called Lee Sun-hee's "Meet You" remake of KBS 2TV weekend drama 'Three Sisters Bravely' OST. In this song, which contains a confession of love for a unique lover, the deep autumn night was filled with romance. In particular, the audience was impressed by the musicality of Kim Ho-joong, who plays trot and ballad sensibility in addition to vocal music. Broadcast at 6 pm on the 19th.