Actor Han Ga-in revealed the related story, saying that he was not recognized as Aphrodite' by his daughter.
On the first day of MBN 'Greece Rome Shinhwa - Personal Life of the Gods', the first meeting of Han Ga-in Seol Min-seok Kim Han Gemma was drawn. Guestron Math instructor jung seung-je was with him.
Han Ga-in, who became MC of Grossin on the day, said, "I asked my daughter where she was going before recording, and she said, 'Mom, go to Goddess today.' Goddess? “Is it Aphrodite?” “Yes, I said, “Yes, I’m going to play Aphrodite today,” she said, and she told me about her relationship with her daughter.
“But she said, ‘Mother is wrong to be Aphrodite’ I was so surprised. My daughter is seven years old.’”
“He told me to keep the furnace in Hestia, not Aphrodite, and I knew it all. I wanted to study hard today,” Han Ga-in explains.
The performers were surprised to say, "How do you know everything? Did you educate gifted children?" Han Ga-in said, "No, my daughter liked Greece Roma. five-year-old “I’ve seen it since,” he said.
The cast's response to this is also a big hit: "When you're five, you have to do Math. The time to get to know Math is five-year-old. If Math appealed, Han Gemma said, "It is art. Art is just good."