SHINee null made a surprise appearance in the morning news
null appeared on MBC World News Today' on the morning of the 16th and appeared in the 'Culture Entertainment Plus' corner.
null appeared on World News Today' with a new song 'Gasolin '. "I have a special guest," said Anchor, who introduced the null. "Why is null coming out of there? "If you look at the prepared video, you will nod your head," he said. "He showed the null used in the news data screen and explained the background of the null in the news.
"I was surprised to see it at first, and I was glad that it was not a bad thing," said null, who was not a news entertainment article but an economic article five times.
"SNS Boni" Is not this synthesis or should I pay the fee separately? "And I also said," I live alone "and I will go to the news. But I do not get a fee, and I do not have an acquaintance in the press office. "
I even had the real news. "I would like to ask for progress today," said Anchor. "Then I will try it after." null was surprised to convey the news skillfully from the news of the re-release of Paik Nam-joon's biggest work, "Dadai Sun" .
I also introduced the new song 'Gasolin'. null said, "Gasolin" is a hip-hop bass song and I wrote it. "It is a regular album that has been in a long time and 11 songs are in place, and I am preparing for the next month's Concert, so I am very busy."
Finally, "I enjoyed my best and it was a good experience. I realize that my own business is separate."