"Kim Chung and the relationship development" Kim Chung, is the younger and the improvised outing the child born?

In 'Let's Live with Park Won-sook', Kim Chung suddenly summoned to Chungbuk Provincial College Thumbnam and showed pink color while suggesting improvisation.
Travel was drawn from KBS 2TV entertainment Park Won-sook's Let's Live together on the 20th, which left for Gimcheon.
Kim Chung, who left for Gimcheon outing along with Kim Chung, decided to take this place as a Travel place, said, "I have brought Sisters as I like."
Kim Chung, who arrived at Jikjisa, the ex-wife of the mission, said, "Here is a thousand different expressions, and we have to find a statue of the same person that gives birth to a son." The members said, "Kim Chung, do you challenge the pregnancy in the hallucination?" Kim Chung said, "Anyway, the expression of the Buddha is approaching. I will not find the statue of the Buddha who gives birth to son today."
Kim Chung looked closely at the look he would find and said, "I just want to have that son." He found a homogeneous imAge and laughed, and he prayed, "Let me have a son." Kim Chung said, "But I think you're worried about your Age." Kim Chung said, "I do not think I will listen to my prayers, what kind of son would you like to be in your Age, would I give birth to this Age? "And Hye Eun Yi also said," That's your greed. "
I emptied my greed (?) for son and moved to another place. It was a golden market.When I saw the Black Porco Rosso, Park Won-sook said, "Why is it white when it is black Porco Rosso?" Then I went to a restaurant recommended by the article. Kim Chung said, "How about going out today?" Park Won-sook said, "It is new and exciting to suddenly go out." Kim Chung suggested, "I have never been out of the blue, so let's do it here."
At this time, the members suggested, "How about calling Jong-myeon?" Jong-myeon was the landlord at Chungbuk Provincial College Travel, and Kim Chung and pink air currents were filled with surrogate excitement.
Park Won-sook said, "Do not manipulate the call of Jong-myeon." Kim Chung tried to call the winner, followed by a short voice, "I am eating Jong-myeon, Black Porco Rosso, and Sisters are looking for Jong-myeong." The members said, "Kim Chung's voice is different.
Instead of the shameful Kim Chung, Park Won-sook answered the phone again and said, "Kim Chung pretended not to be interested,
When asked whether they had any development or not, Jong-myeon said, "This is a lot of development." Park Won-sook, who drove the atmosphere, suggested, "It is an hour away from Chungbuk Provincial College in Gimcheon, and I wonder if he will come."
Once again, Park Won-sook called Jong-myeon, saying, "Let's call Jong-myeon." He said to Jong-myeon, "I promised me, but if I did not come, I would betray you." Kim Chung also said, "If you do not come, let's leave the room."
One of them arrived.The man who was looking for Kim Chung. It was Jong-myeon. Then suddenly Kim Chung whispered to Hye Eun Yi. Instead, Hye Eun Yi said, "Where do you want to go if you have a woman you love and go to Travel?" Instead of Kim Chung, Jong-myeon said, "I have a hotel once I go down and I have a hotel." Kim Chung said, "In the room? "I was surprised and laughed.
On the same day, Kim Chung moved to Jong-myeon in a car with Park Won-sook's errand. Kim Chung was natural to Jong-myeon, who wanted to see him, but he boldly touched his arm and consciously felt Lee Kyung Jin behind him.
"There is Lee Kyung Jin, the watchdog behind, I can not hold my hand like a teacher," he said, laughing, "I am full of people just watching (Mr. Jong-myeon).
On the other hand, KBS 2TV entertainment 'Let's Live with Park Won-sook' is a program that shows the living together of middle-Aged female stars living alone who are preparing for the second half of their lives after the splendid prime.
‘Let’s live together’ capture