Ji Suk-jin, Paju and Dongtan are embarrassed by land disclosure..." Will you tell all of your Property?" (Running Man')

Ji Suk-jin appears bewildered by Property Disclosure
SBS Running Man', which was broadcast on the 31st, was featured as Running Man with a tail', which is absorbed by the tail when hiding his Name tag in Sangam-dong and finding another person's Name tag.
The issue at the opening of the day was Ji Suk-jin's fashion article, "Twentys with a face." Seeing this, Yoo Jae-Suk noted that "Ji Suk-jin is following the path of Lim Ha-Ryong; he is on the path of his younger brother."
Kim Jong Kook responded, "The other thing is that Ji Suk-jin has no building unlike Lim Ha-Ryong." The members said, "There is land in Paju instead" and "There is something in Dongtan."
Ji Suk-jin, in the subsequent Property Disclosure of the members, sweated, saying, "Are you going to tell the Property on the air?"