'All The Butlers' Yoshihiro Akiyama "My Fight Money, Gangnam District Apartments... bonus Only 60 Million"

Fighter Yoshiro Akiyama has been honest about Fight Money and bonus through All The Butlers.
On SBS 'All The Butlers' broadcast on the 8th, Yoshihiro Akiyama appeared as Master and introduced the world of The Fighter.
Yoshiro Akiyama is making a new history with challenges that do not know the limit even in his mid-40s. Doyoung, who was a daily student on the day, asked Yoshihiro Akiyama carefully, "How much is the prize money?"
Yoshiro Akiyama replied, "The bonus received immediately after the victory is 60 million won." When asked about the fight money, he avoided answering, "That is a statement."
In the end, Kim Dong-Hyun rushed to ask, "How much do you feel?" "How about compared to an apartment or a car?" And Yoshihiro Akiyama answered frankly, "I can buy an apartment."
“Where is the city?” he said, “it’s also the Gangnam District. I think I should give it to you because I’ve trained hard.”