It is controversial that the TVN entertainment program 'You Quiz on the Block' under CJ ENM (hereinafter referred to as 'You Quiz on the Block') received a mixed response by appearing President-elect Yoon Seak-ryul, and It was revealed that he rejected the proposal to appear in President Moon Jae-in last year.
Moon Jae-in, presidential secretary of the presidential secretariat, said on April 21, "Yoon's appearance in 'Yuqui' is not a problem. Even if there may be different judgments from viewers, his appearance Itself is due to the problem that the production team and the cast will decide. However, apart from whether Yoon is appearing, CJ's lies against Blue House are serious. "
President Moon Jae-in also inquired about the appearance of President Moon Jae-in in that Li Dian in April last year, as well as the appearance of Blue House barbers, shoe repairers and landscapers on the Block, according to a Table President article. The production team of 'You Quiz on the Block' rejected the CJ Strategic Support Team as "not in line wIth the nature of the program".
In response, Table President said: "We respected the production team's intentions and did not ask any more; there was a record of talking to the program's staff at the time and It remains a text message exchanged. Nevertheless, CJ lied to the media that he had not been asked to appear (as a part of the show) because there is a bigger problem than the lie Itself. "We accepted the rejection of the production team wIthout saying It because we respected the program. It was natural, and It was more so because the Li Dian government often did not keep those natural things. We did not want any program to be influenced by production due to any external pressure, and we have believed that such an attItude is the right attItude to care for culture and arts. "
"I still want to believe that Yoon Dang-in's appearance was the judgment of the production team. However, I hope that there will be no external pressure, and I hope that only the judgment of the production team will be made as the principle of production. It is because of the way that Korean Artists Welfare Foundations keep their own dignIty. "
On the 20th broadcast 'You Quiz on the Block', Yoon Seak-ryul appeared. MC Yoo Jae-Suk and Jo Se-ho were embarrassed by the appearance of Yoon Seak-ryul. "We have never been in 'You Quiz on the Block' before," said Yoo Jae-Suk. "We are suddenly quIte embarrassed."
Yoon, who appeared afterwards, said, "I should think of It as half of my will, half of the will of the staff. I was told that the people were watching a lot and that they were favorIte pros, and they came out to go out once. "
Yoon Dang-in's appearance on You Quiz on the Block has no problem. Even if there may be different judgments from viewers, his cast is due to the problem Yi Gi, which the production team and the cast will decide. However, apart from whether or not Yoon is appearing, CJ's lies against Blue House are serious problems.
First of all, in April last year and Its Li Dian, the Blue House asked the president and Blue House barbers, shoe repairers, and landscapers to appear in the program. At that time, the production team had expressed Its intention to refuse through the CJ Strategic Support Team wIth the point of 'not meeting the nature of the program', and we did not ask for It anymore because we respected the production team's intention. There was a record of talking to the program manager at the time and It remained as a text message exchanged. Nevertheless, It is a bigger problem than the lie Itself that CJ lied to the media that It had never been asked to appear.
It was because we respected the program that we accepted the production team's rejection wIthout hesItation. It was natural, and It was more so because the Li Dian government often did not keep those natural things.
We did not want any program to be affected by production due to any external pressure, and we have believed that such an attItude is the most correct attItude to consider culture and arts.
I still want to believe that Yoon Dang-sun's appearance was the judgment of the production team. At that time, I decided that the appearance of the president and the Blue House people did not match the nature of the program, and now the judgment is different, so It is good to say that Yoon's appearance has been decided. However, I hope that there is no external pressure, and I hope that only the judgment of the production team will be made as the principle of production in the future. It is because of the way that Korean Artists Welfare Foundations keep their own dignIty.