In those days, how did the first love fairyes, who made everyone's heart beat, become "bad". Na-eun mother, who does not see the authenticity of those who want to be a person, sees only the fragmentary figure and drives them to the corner with 'criticism' rather than 'criticism'.
Suga, who was self-sufficient due to the controversy of gambling, stood in front of fans in four years. Shu played with fans and Xiao Tong live on Digital marketing broadcasting Flax TV on the 25th. It was the first time that Xiao Tong was shown live without editing, although he appeared on TV Chosun Star Documentary My Way.
Shu asked his fans for apology and forgiveness. “You can think of it as a pretense, but I want you to watch me, and I think I’ve changed a lot, and I want to be good at Xiao Tong in the future. I wish my life could be someone who could give me a message, I wish I could go with you and be part of me.”
Shu continued with his fans and Xiao Tong. Shu said, “I am repenting my misjudgment and stupid behavior. I was so imprudent, so ignorant, and wrong. I wanted to apologize, and I had this time.” S.E.S. Sea and Eugene watched the show and cheered on Shu, especially the sea, Love Live of Shu! I asked him to support Suga courage through SNS before broadcasting.
Shu, who continued to play Xiao Tong, showed a short girl group dance when a fan in the middle of the broadcast sent a donation of about 1 million won. However, after the broadcast, he responded by saying that he had received Suga money for the action, and pointed out that the former fairy became a 'scam'. In particular, he apologized and accused him of using broadcasting as a money-making, not wanting to Xiao Tong.
"I was really worried about whether or not to broadcast Suga," said Shu's closest aide. I apologized to the fans and gave a great courage to meet them. "" Overall, I cheered on Shu, so the tension seems to have risen. “I think I wanted to give back to my fans, relaxing, and talking about the girl group, and not just dancing with gratitude for the money I received.”
If you wanted to make money on Suga, would you have been able to receive the money and dance of joy on the Love Live! broadcast that Eugene is watching? Misunderstandings accumulating as people who did not watch the broadcast saw the irritatingly captured photos and the fragmentary content of "I danced when I received the donation." And the meaning of Suga's courage was faded.
In the same case as Shu, the jewelery Lee Ji Hyon is suffering recently; Lee Ji Hyon, who returned to the air seven years after two divorces, was cheered for raising two siblings. However, when the son who received the ADHD opinion showed a radical behavior in receiving a solution from Oh Eun-young in 'My Little Child like Gold', and Lee Ji Hyun was also criticized as a mother. Lee Ji Hyon said, "I decided not to be ashamed to be helped because I am a lacking mother." He then showed better results in the solution, making me look forward to the next.
However, Lee Ji Hyun has recently been controversial about the sale of a dog to fulfill her daughter's wish. Some netizens pointed out that Lee Ji Hyon was not able to care for two children, and that it was unreasonable for a mother who could not care for two children to care for two lizards and dogs. They criticized Lee Ji Hyun for saying that there is a negative opinion on the sale of pet shops because they can easily buy and abandon animals.
In the fragmentary aspect, the authenticity and efforts of Shu and Lee Ji Hyon are ignored. Shu said he would not avoid scarlet writing until the end of his life called 'conventional gaming' and said he wanted to help those who are in a similar situation to him. And I am trying to become a 'Yoo Su-yeong' who has been trained as a coach, and has improved with fans and Xiao Tong. Lee Ji Hyon also stood in front of the camera, saying that he would show a more growth as a mother and a person even in a criticism. In fact, Lee Ji Hyon's son was known to be better, and he impressed many.
Lee Ji Hyon, who has returned in seven years, has been in front of the camera for four years, and the public is not looking at authenticity and effort, but is pushing their own harsh standards and putting all kinds of criticism. Can not you look at Lee Ji Hyon, who is trying to be a Na-eun mother, and Shu who is going to be a Na-eun person for a while, from more diverse angles, and look at their authenticity and efforts and warmly support them?