Kim Won Joon, 14 years old younger Inspection wife, second pregnancy...Yoon Integer "I envy" (Mr Radio)

Yoon Integer envied Kim Won Joon, who made a balmy family.
Kim Won Joon appeared as a guest on KBS CoolFM 'Integer Nanchang Hee's Mr Radio' broadcast on April 25th.
Yoon Integer, who thanked Kim Won Joon for his busy time as a music professor, said, "I feel like listening to Kim Won Joon's song. His song is hidden in his face. His face should have been a little ugly. "
The two of them had first met on the air and had a strong friendship. Yoon Integer said, "Kim Won Joon is really family. When I called a few times, I said, 'I think it's right to live like you.' "
“I don’t feel it when I’m young, but if I live, I’m sure each person has a romance, and Kim Won Joon seems to be happy to live,” he said.
Kim Won Joon recommended "do a lot of virtual marriage," and Nanchang Hee said, "I have done everything I have to do. I have nothing more to do.”
One listener sent Kim Won Joon a message saying, "Congratulations on your daughter, Ye Eun, who has a brother." Kim Won Joon thanked the listener and replied, "I am in the ship now."
Kim Won Joon, who married his wife in 2016 14 years old younger Inspection, announced his second pregnancy in March and said he was born in September.