In the KBS 2TV Weekend drama 'It 's Beautiful Now', which was first broadcast on the afternoon of the afternoon, Lee Hyun-Jae (Yoon Shi-yoon) was portrayed.
The plaintiff said her husband had an affair, and she was saddened that "the 150 million of it is the price of gum compared to the pain I suffered." But Lee Hyun-Jae said, "Oh, you're good. And you think I'm gonna break up. You have proof I hit you. Is there any evidence that I met another man? "
Lee Hyun-Jae said, "The defendant is not responsible for the breakdown of his relationship with the plaintiff, but he intends to give a million won to human dori." The plaintiff later chased Lee Hyun-Jae and was angry, Lee Hyun-Jae said, "If you want more alimony, summon the memories that were better. I will give you about 200,000 won (I will give you more), "he added, adding a smile.