Actor Yoon Hyun-min conveyed his heart after being injured by his father.
On the 19th, Yoon Hyun-min posted a long article on his instagram saying, "I would like to express my gratitude to all those who gave me the words of comfort and sadness to my father's The Funeral on April 13th."
"A Year Ago in Winter In February, my father was diagnosed with terminal cancer and has been fighting hard with the disease by endured dozens of cancer and radiation treatment until recently," he said. "I was very willing and I tried to help my father, but I did not come to miracles because I was not good enough."
Yoon Hyun-min said, "On April 15, when I was born, there was my father's entrance ceremony, and on the last way I could only say that I was sorry not to be sick now. Thanks to the step and encouragement of such a devastation, I was able to get my father well and send him safely. I will not forget this gratitude for the rest of my life, and I will deeply engrave it. "
On the 14th, Yoon Hyun-min's agency, Funers Entertainment, announced on the official position that "the father of actor Yoon Hyun-min died during the battle due to chronic illness on the night of the 13th."
Hello, this is Yoon Hyun-min. On April 13, I would like to express my gratitude to all those who have shared my sadness with my father's The Funeral and have given me a word of comfort.
A Year Ago in Winter In February, my father was diagnosed with terminal cancer and until recently he had a hard fight with the disease by endured dozens of cancer and radiation treatments. I was so willing and I tried to help my best by seeing my father, but I did not come to miracles because of my lack of filial piety.
On April 15, when I was born, my father had an entrance ceremony. On my last day, I could only say I was sorry not to be sick. Thanks to you for running and encouraging me in the midst of such a devastation, I was able to send my father safely and safely.
I will do my best to give you the opportunity to convey my heart during my adolescence. I am truly grateful. Yoon Hyun-min upload
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