"I don't want to see"..."MeToo" Cho Jae-hyun daughters churn cold water on her comeback, Lee Byung-hun Kim Woo-bin masterpiece

Cho Hye-Jung, daughter of Cho Jae-hyun, who was identified as a perpetrator of the "Me Too and Sexual Assault Damage" campaign and stopped working, has returned to the house theater in five years and resumed his entertainment activities. As Cho Jae-hyun was identified as a molestation perpetrator, it is said that the daughter who reminds him is uncomfortable to watch on the air and the family sit-in is unfair.
Cho Hye-Jung appeared briefly in the early part of TVN's Saturday Drama Our Blues, which was first broadcast on the 9th. Having divided himself into a fellow seawoman of Han Ji-min (Lee Young-ok), he comforted his senior sea girl by saying, "Sister, don't worry" when Han Ji-min was bruised.
Cho Hye-Jung appeared on Drama only five years after the Confessions couple, the first time since the controversy over his father Cho Jae-hyun's Me Too in 2018. Cho Jae-hyun, then identified as the perpetrator of sexual harassment, got off TVN 'Cross', which was in the cast, and stopped all activities; at the time, he said, "I'll put everything down. From now on, I will spend time looking back on my life with a atonement to the victims. "
However, the arrow of criticism towards Cho Jae-hyun headed to his daughter, Cho Hye-Jung, and Cho Hye-Jung did not act as an actor after that. He also terminated his contract with his agency Jellyfish entertainment.
Above all, Cho Hye-Jung appeared as the daughter of Cho Jae-hyun in SBS entertainment 'Good Sunday - Take care of my dad' in 2015, and informed the public about his face.
Even when he starred in the on-style 'First Time', he had to get a stingy look as a 'gold spoon' actor with the halo of Cho Jae-hyun, and he also suffered controversy over his Acting ability in MBC Everlon 'Imaginary Cat'. Cho Hye-Jung, who was gradually growing up through filmography through the Weightlifting Fairy Kim Bok-joo and the Confessions couple, took a heavier tag with the Me Too incident.
This was clearly revealed in the reaction of the netizens. In the 'Our Blues' audience talk, the netizens responded such as "I do not want to see Cho Hye-Jung", "Why Cho Jae-hyun's daughter is here", "Cho Jae-hyun reminds me and feels rejected", "Cho Jae-hyun daughter is excluded". Some netizens voiced that it is unfair to take solidarity responsibility for "What is Cho Hye-Jung's sin?"
With cheering and criticism for Cho Hye-Jung coexisting, the clear thing is that Our Blues has become louder with the issue of Cho Hye-Jung. As Our Blues is a masterpiece that has been expected since the broadcast with previous lineups such as Lee Byung-hun, Shin Min-ah, Kim Woo-bin, and Han Ji-min, it is not likely that this controversy will be welcome.