"Honey!" Kim Hye-soo, Jo In-sung, came to his arms as soon as he saw... 'What the 2' Part time job joins.

In 'How the President 2', Jo In-sung and Seolhyun realities once again made The Pipers heartbreak, Kim Hye-soo predicted Jo In-sung and a special seniority.
TVN entertainment show 'How the President Season 2' broadcast on the 28th
The 7-day lunch scene was drawn. Seolhyun was the first to challenge the rice cake soup and cook it for The Pipers. "I had a lot of first The Piper," he said. "The Piper is full of love."
Seolhyun was simultaneously ordered three bowls of rice cake soup. Jo In-sung also fired support and two people completed the rice cake soup together. When all of them praised Seolhyun as "cooker", Seolhyun washed his hands in the sink and spilled water on the floor. Jo In-sung joked, "I am fighting water guns," and laughed, saying, "I am a bunch of accidents." Park Byeong-eun also said, "I am a mess." So Seolhyun said, "Why was it there?"
Then, when I saw Seolhyun cooking, the boy exploded his fanciness, saying, "I think I will cry." Cha Tae-hyen said, "I am not so busy watching Seolhyun." Then, Seolhyun's eyes were not met and shy and made everyone into a laughing sea.
One Piper looked at Jo In-sung and said, "My husband is not much different from Jo In-sung, so why do I like it so much? (Jealousy), but when I saw Mart recently, I actually saw that he was so heartbroken, and he said he liked it." Jo In-sung laughed with embarrassment.
Next, I found the envelope of the "Love Test" test paper that the students brought with them. Cha Tae-hyen and Park Byung-eun were surprised by the cultural difference, saying, "What is this? What are they doing?" He then read the contents of the love test and said, "It is funny." When a student asked me to see the answer, Cha Tae-hyeun said, "Where is the answer to love?" And Park Byeong-eun also laughed at the explosion of children and chemistry, saying, "There is no answer to love."
The first Piper visited for dinner. Kim Jin-gun The Piper appeared, and they found Jo In-sung in the kitchen, saying, "I saw Jo In-sung on TV," and Jo In-sung was embarrassed, saying, "How do you know me?" The children laughed at the shouting "singer". In the meantime, Cha Tae-hyun admired Kim Jin-gyun as "a celebrity like an entertainer," and admired him as "a natural entertainer."
The members who received the Jeolla-do homemade gift from The Piper during the business soothed the hungry ship with dinner. Jo In-sung tasted it once and admired it, saying, "There are so many cooking highs in the world."
In the trailer, Kim Hye-soo finally announced the first appearance of Kim Hye-soo as a Part time job. Even Cha Tae-hyun, president, greets his senior Kim Hye-soo at 90 degrees. Kim Hye-soo was especially pleased with Jo In-sung and expressed his special affection with Warak, Jo In-sung, saying "Honey".
On the other hand, TVN entertainment 'How the President Season 2' is a program that depicts the second rural super sales diary of urban man Cha Tae-hun x Jo In-sung, and it is broadcast every Thursday at 8:40 pm.
How Do You Do It?