“Eve” is a 13-year design, life-stricken rEvenge. The most intense and deadly passion-melo rEvenge to bring down 0.1 percent of South Korea.
Seo Ye-ji plays the role of the woman who designed rEvenge in the play, 'Sean Gelael'. This Sean Gelael is a fatally hard woman who becomes the main Character of a 2 trillion won divorce suit for a South Korea 0.1% upper class couple after carefully designing rEvenge after her father's shocking death as a child. He wants to bring down the chief executive of the LY Group, Kang Yoon-gyeom (Byeong-eun Park), who is one of the main culprits who destroyed his family.
The production team, which put a hard Seo Ye-ji on the front, unveiled the main Poster. Seo Ye-ji, who is divided into Sean Gelael in Poster, stares at the front with a hard face. It creates a rigid and hard atmosphere for Character, who is burned in vengeance.
And the solo Poster release announces the imminent return of Seo Ye-ji, but the hard look towards Seo Ye-ji remains. That's what he did last year, too, Seo Ye-ji was named the person behind Kim Jung-hyun's drop-off in the 2018 drama Time. It is said that Seo Ye-ji forced his lover Kim Jung-hyun to act hard toward his opponent. But both Seo Ye-ji and Kim Jung-hyeun denied the rumors and allegations involved, only admitting that they were dating. Kim Jung-hyun also emphasized that getting off time is a health reason.
But that's not the only problem: various allegations have been made against Seo Ye-ji: school violence, gangs, and forgery of academic background. The biggest suspicion and problem among them is the suspicion of forgery of academic background. There is a completely different claim about whether to attend a prestigious university in Spain. I have already mentioned the days of studying in Spain in various broadcasts, so I have to point out the suspicion.
The Gold medalist explained that the previous remarks and actions that he was from a prestigious Spanish university were due to his former agency. Although he was admitted to the prestigious university, he did not attend the school. He also said he had confirmed his pass. HowEver, the pass was not disclosed as an explanation.
And then Seo Ye-ji chose to “distancing himself from the public” for a while, a calculation that would keep him in the dark until the controversy and suspicions were quiet. And when the story about the 'Eve' formation began to emerge, I apologized in February. Seo Ye-ji said through his agency Gold Medalist, "I am sincerely sorry to convey my heart too late. I have had time to look back at myself, seeing the rebukes and stories I have given me, and I am sincerely sorry that my lack has caused many people to feel sorry for me. I apologize again for the many disappointments. Everything is from my immaturity. “I will try to be more careful and mature in the future,” he said.
After this coreless apology, Seo Ye-ji is on his way back to full-scale: This is the moment his return plan is set to fit: does the return of Seo Ye-ji just come to an end like this? Or whether to clean up the hard suspicions that have not yet been fully harmed depends on his move.
The hard drama Eve, which Seo Ye-ji announced his return to, is rated by viewers through the first broadcast at 10:30 pm on May 25th.