Guzal "believes in Friend and comes to Korea at 19, is abandoned, naturalized and happy" (substantial)

The broadcaster, Guzal, told us about the occasion when he came to Korea.
JTBC entertainment 'Ai Munna Bhai M.B.B.S. broadcast on April 23rd. ' (hereinafter referred to as "sub-type") In the 329th session, Gangnam District, Guzal Tursunova, Alberto Mondi and Fabian moved to Munna Bhai M.B.B.S. School.
On the day, Guzal recalled that Gangnam District had passed the naturalization test in three years and said, "It's amazing. I want to be so difficult. It was really easy when I was."
"I came to Korea at the age of 19 and lived only in Korea when I became an adult. Friend is here, and I thought I was Korean, so when I was 6 years old, I wanted to become naturalized in Korea. "
Guzal said: "At first I came with Friend, the Goryeo, and then he came and left me. I got married as soon as I got here. Friend came to believe in it, as if he were going to Gangnam District. I came and found out there was a man. (Friend) has come to exchange students, "he said, drawing up memories of betrayal.
The reason Friend brought himself to Korea is "because when he comes home together, it is cheaper. " (Friend) used his head," he said. "Korea came so strange, new and excited, when foreigners were really away at the time (2004). Friend went away and stayed alone," he said.
Guzal said, "I found my way alone, I could not speak a word in Korea. I could not speak English at the time. It is really strange how I learned Korean, "he recalled the suffering of the time.
"So I was so happy as soon as I naturalized," he said. "Because other Friends have resident registration cards and passports. I wanted to say that I was a foreigner registration card, but I wanted to say "my citizenship." As soon as I received the citizenship, I felt like "I am a Korean person."