'The Return of Superman' Sayuri meets experts to solve childcare problems.
KBS 2TV 'The Return of Superman' (hereinafter referred to as 'The Return of Superman'), which will be broadcast on March 13, is decorated with the subtitle 'We are good together'. Sayuri meets with child psychology expert Son to check the current situation of Jen's child care and listen to the solution. Sayuri's realistic troubles and the process of solving them are expected to bring out the sympathy of many parents across the country who raise their children.
Sayuri invited a specialist, Jeong Seon, to address her question about child-rearing, and first asked how Jen would be able to take off her baby bottle. I have to cut off the bottle for dental health, but I was worried because of Jen who refused milk when I gave him a straw cup.
Sayuri then talked about Jen's sleepiness, which bites her when she is sleepy. He said that he had shown the dignity of the expert by Jessieing the solution on the spot even after hearing Sayuri's troubles without much observation.
In the new solution of the Son, Sayuri has been able to reveal his usual troubles. In particular, Sayuri called for help, saying that he was worried that there was a problem with Jen, who did not answer even if he called his name. So, Jeong Seon observes Sayuri and Jen's daily life and checks the current situation of Sayuri's child care and Jen's development.
While observing their behavior, Son noted the image of Jen watching the media during the meal. Jessie said she had a proper solution to this problem that any parent who raised a child would sympathize with. On this day, I am curious that not only the solution of the expert but also the change of Zen is revealed.
Meanwhile, the solution of the expert who changed 'Zen' can be found at 422 KBS 2TV 'The Return of Superman' which will be broadcasted at 9:20 pm on Sunday, March 13th.
The Return of Superman