I'm Solo (I Solo) stage 6 causes a collective tear ahead of the final Choices.
On SBS PLUS and NQQ's Real Dateing Program I'm Solo, which airs on March 30, the ending of the 6th romance, which is even a production team, will be revealed.
On this day, 12 Solo men and women have the last appeal to shout the Confessions of heart toward each other just before the final Choices. First of all, Solo women go to the window on the second floor of the Solo's accommodation and shout their hearts in turn. The 6th Woolbo Jung Sook, Youngja, and Oksoon are making sincere Confessions, but they are only blind. After a while, Solo men also go to the doors of Solo girls' accommodation and shout their hearts out loud in turn. Here, the 'US Army Sangman' Youngsu suddenly bursts and tears and surprises everyone.
The production team also joins the Tears Party. As romantic Confessions like a movie ambassador continued, MC Songhai admired it as "too touching," and the crew who watched it together showed tears. In fact, Defconn is surprised that "the PDs across the street are crying and Yuuka Nanri is."
In addition, in the last Date of 'Solo Country No. 6', 'Romeness Speed Breaking' couple also appeared and shocked 3MC. A pair of Solo men and women in the last Date hold hands in the car without hesitation and continue the 'nopaku skinship' that they never let go.
Songhai, who saw this, said, "Uh, what?" And Lee Kyung said, "I was so surprised that I almost fell asleep." Defconn, who watched the Solo men and women who were radically advanced at high speed, said, "I think I will see a kiss in my 10th year." Expectations soar on the Identity of a couple who 'spread forward' ahead of the final Choices.