Hye Eun Yi "I'm a partner who has secretly expanded my business, meaning I'll repay 20 million won for 10 years...I'm not giving it" (like 3)

Hye Eun Yi told the story of a partnership and was deceived by a partner.
In the 53rd episode of KBS 2TV entertainment "Park Won-sook's Sapsida Season 3" (hereinafter referred to as "Sawsda 3") broadcast on March 9, the tour of Haenam for one night and two days of the sages continued.
The day's travel guide Kim Yeong-Ran led the sage to the Haenam delicacy chicken course cooking restaurant. The chicken dish, which is tasted as a full course until the last time, is a food that must be tasted when you go to Haenam. "I think I already have a chicken. I feel like I'm getting healthy while eating, "he said.
After a satisfying meal, the sage had an exchange ceremony to take the gift that was brought in advance at random. Kim Yeong-Ran's gift, picked by Park Won-sook at this time, was a brainwave cat headband that responded to human emotional agitation. Kim Yeong-Ran asked Park Won-sook, who wore a headband, if there was a man who met these days without missing a chance, and what he thought of Lim Hyun-sik and Ju Byeong-jin respectively. At this time, Park Won-sook twitched his ears and created a pink atmosphere.
The next day, the hostel was full of snow and boasted beautiful scenery; Park Won-sook said: "It's a real blessing. I can see this snowy scenery, "he said, admiring his sisters and taking pictures of them. In particular, Kim Yeong-Ran attracted attention by showing the acting of a heroine of a woeful drama like a scene in the past drama. Kim Yeong-Ran recalled, "I think I was the heroine of the woe every day in my 20s."
On this day, the monk received a hot mugwort rice cake from a monk. The monk who usually enjoys "Sep Sida 3" has made rice cakes himself. The lady thanked her for the breakfast.
Later, the sage went to the Hanok Village for breakfast, a travel schedule for Park Won-sook, who usually likes Hanok. She had been looking for a wireless village for eight years, and she had been watching each one of the Hanoks full of bonsai and receiving their cane and bonsai.
After visiting the Uldolmok, where Admiral Yi Sun-shin defeated 330 ships with 13 ships, she visited a restaurant where she could taste Jeollanam-do. Park Won-sook was surprised to see that "the four eat this," on the enormous scale of the limited formula, which comes in the whole. The sage enjoyed delicious food such as abalone steamed, cocooned, octopus horon roast, and red fish.
Then, Kim thought of his past failed kimchi business while looking at Haenam Chinese cabbage, and he made and sold kimchi only with the finest ingredients 20 years ago, but there was no reaction from people.
Hye Eun Yi also brought up his own ruined business story. Hye Eun Yi said, "I had a costume room in Myeongdong in the early 80s called Hye Eun Yi boutique. I did two things (the sewing machine) and then I became four because I did well. At that time, salespeople went to the store and paid for it. So the sales staff was important, but one day the sales manager, who is good at other houses, said that he would do business with me.
"At that time, I went to the US performance for two weeks, and during those two weeks, he made 22 missing pieces." "I was running away with a missing machine and I wasn't that kind of person," Park Won-sook laughed.
Hye Eun Yi said, "I recruited Samchully and Samchully was not able to stop it because it was Wheat. The CEO is Hye Eun Yi. You told me I couldn’t. The money I had paid was over 20 million won. I was told how long I was going to give it to you. I gave it to you as a "five-year, ten-year repayment." I did not know what that meant, meaning I would pay it back over a decade from five years later.