GABEE, how much money you've earned..."20 billion LAHouse dreams will fold for a while" ('National Receipt')

'National Receipt' GABEE briefly withholds LA House dream
In the 25th KBS Joy entertainment program 'National Receipt' broadcasted on the last two days, 3MC Song Eun-yi, Kim Sook and Park Young-jin analyzed the receipt of Dancer GABEE.
"I haven't forgotten my three-month Los Angeles (hereinafter referred to as Los Angeles) life when I went to learn to dance," GABEE said on the day. I do not have my House in Korea yet, but I want to have my House in LA someday. " So Song Eun-yi was fortunate to say, "I have recognized the price of Houses near Malibu Beach for GABEE." He added, "It is 20 billion."
GABEE's receipt, which was released soon after, attracted attention because it contained various daily life, from vertical rise income to CEO and life as a YouTuber after appearing in the dance entertainment "Street Woman The Fighter" (Swoopa). In particular, Song Eun-yi was asked by Kim Sook, "Is it a stalker?", Knowing most of the GABEE YouTuber videos.
Later, another hero of the day, "Nuclear Insa", a 29-year-old woman's receipt, took off the veil. The Client, which MBTI identified as ENFP, met 47 people in eight meetings in a month and shocked them. Even GABEE, who was confident that "I am an ENFP walking around," saw the receipt of The Client and said, "I do not seem to be a walking ENFP. I am humbled."
But Song Eun-yi, who leads the gag system "Nuclear Insa," said, "I think I can do it. I have eight meetings that do not overlap. 365 days are busy, "said Park Young-jin, who heard this, saying," I thought someone was nominated for Song Eun-yi. "
After all, Kim Kyung-pil and Jeon In-gu mentor said, "The number of characters in the receipt is the level of the Three Kingdoms. I need to adjust my goals, "and" I hope there is a concept of pre-election. "He encouraged me to reduce the meeting and save 50% of my income.
The two also advised GABEE's LA House dream that "Every time I go to a hotel, I can be new", "When I get seed money, I buy my favorite House in Korea first." GABEE, who was struggling, accepted "LA House dream will be closed for a while" .
KBS Joy 'National Receipt' broadcast capture