Kwon Il-yong "Lee Seung-gi, Profiling Special Possible"...Lee Seung-gi "passed by college essay wrIting at any time."

In the study of profiling in All The Butlers, Lee Seung-gi showed a keenness to the expert.
On the 13th, SBS entertainment All The Butlers featured the second special feature of the 30th anniversary of It Wants to Know.
WIth the second episode of the 30th anniversary of It Wants to Know, Do Joon-woo and Lee Dong-won PD, who directed the domestic No. 1 Profiler Kwon Il-yong, criminal psychologist Park Ji-sun, and It Wants to Know, were together.
The behind-the-scenes story was first drawn, and the members wondered, "Is not It threatened to be careful at night?" Kwon Il-yong and Park Ji-sun said, "I received a lot of people, but I am not afraid because they did not do It well." Park Ji-sun, in particular, said, "I am more afraid of Victims' statements, It is really hard."
Kwon Il-yong also said, "If The Convict was afraid, I would have left already, and I promised to give Victims in uniform, so I have never been afraid to endure the scene."
PDs also said there are many dangerous moments. Do Jun-woo said, "I have been covering the religious group, so It was a religious organization that was behind the society." "I was hiding in the face of being a difficult Sindo, It was important not to get caught. But Do Jun-woo, who was caught by the reporters, said, "Someone asked me to come out of the cell phone and asked if It was the reporters, and I was recording It." "I even knew the name.
“I admIt that I’m a reporter because I have nowhere to avoid It, and if I let them know, I’d have to give up because thousands of Sindos were in danger of their lives and even wrIte a pledge that they wouldn’t broadcast,” he said.
The members decided to try profiling themselves. Kwon Il-yong said, "It is first of all to reconstruct the Profiler crime scene to profil."
Then, when Kwon Il-yong released a letter that was never released to the world, he was surprised to see Lee Seung-gi, who is concentrating on drawing a line, saying, "Lee Seung-gi seems to solve some universIty examination problem." Lee Seung-gi praised Self, saying, "I said It myself, but I passed the essay in the first semester of college."
"It was difficult to reduce the sentence, but the introduction was too long, The Convict cosplayed Victims," Park Ji-sun said, "It was good to express, profiling is so good." Kwon Il-yong also acknowledged Lee Seung-gi's abilIty to pass the first semester at any time, saying, "I can specialize as an analyst."
‘All The Butlers’