"Female stalking Homosexual Coming Out Enthusiasm wIth Nine-Year-Old," 30-Year-Old Netflix star "Happy"

Colton Sara Jean Underwood (30) is a star on the realIty show Betzeler and Netflix Come Out Colton. Photo Right) is engaged to gay Jordan C. Brown, 39, entertainment media People reported on February 28 (local time).
Sara Jean Underwood, a former football player, told People: "After birth Jordan and I traveled to Big Sur over the weekend to relax in nature. There will be no more beautiful place to set an amazing milestone in my life and relationship. "
“I’m very happy. 2021 was the most transformative year of my life. “I never thought It would be possible to start 2022 wIth my best friend, colleague and fiance,” he said.
They announced the engagement news on social media.
Sara Jean Underwood said, “Life wIth you will be fun.” Brown said, “There is only one time in life that you can waste a bottle of champagne. I love you, baby.”
Sara Jean Underwood and Brown have been dating since the summer of 2021. Former realIty star Sara Jean Underwood was a gay man in April 2021 and later recorded her experience in Netflix's Coming Out Colton.
Sara Jean Underwood said: “I had trouble wIth my sexual problems, but I had fears about being gay. Now that I’ve been alone for a year, It is the healthiest and happiest thing I’ve ever felt, and I don’t want to be anything but gay.”
Earlier, Sara Jean Underwood was ordered to ban transfer in November last year for stalking girlfriend Kathy Randolph. Sara Jean Underwood told "Good Morning America": "I'm sorry the incident ended like this, I screwed up. I made a lot of bad choices," he regretted.
Sara Jean Underwood added that she really loved her, despIte being gay.
"It made me more confused - I loved all of her - I wish I had had the courage to fix myself before I broke anyone else," he said.