The number of confirmed daily coronas in Korea exceeds 50,000 a day, and the entertainment industry is also raising concerns with the news of successive confirmation.
Haha’s agency, Kwan Entertainment, said on Wednesday that “Haha was confirmed for Corona 19.” "On the 9th, a self-diagnosis kit test showed a negative response, but from the afternoon of the 10th, I felt health problems such as Merxat, canceled the scheduled schedule and conducted isolation on my own. “The test was positive on the 11th, and after the PCR test, it was finally tested positive on the morning of the 12th,” he explained.
Haha has completed the second vaccination of the Corona 19 vaccine, and currently suspends all schedules and conducts isolation and treatment according to the guidelines of the authorities. Haha is appearing on SBS 'Running Man', MBC 'What do you do when you play', and TV Chosun 'National Number'.
Haha's confirmation is the fourth among Running Man members following Kim Jong-guk, Yang Se-chan and Ji Seok-jin, and the number of members who have already exceeded the majority of the Seven members has been confirmed and are in isolation. The remaining members, Yoo Jae-Suk, Song Ji-hyo and Jeon So-min, were negatively reacted as a result of the self-diagnosis kit test. Fortunately, it is unlikely to cause a major disruption to the airing and filming of Running Man due to the lack of coverage and the spare time for recording the 2022 Beijing Winter Olympics.
However, Song Ji-hyo is being self-administered to the state of unvaccinated disease due to his childhood-diagnosed history of allergies, and Yoo Jae-Suk seems to have to pay close attention to other members' conditions as well because of the fact that there is a history of being defeated by 'what to play' and TVN 'Yu Quiz on the Block'.
Group 2AM also announced that the members had confirmed the confirmation. On the 11th, JoKwon received a Corona 19 positive edition, and Imsung and Jung Jin-woon were confirmed on the 12th. Both are said to have completed the third vaccination of the vaccine, and no special symptoms, but the scheduled schedule has been changed by isolation and treatment. 2AM has been back in full swing in November last year for Seven years. So, the two sides planned to hold a solo concert 22 S/S for the first time in nine years at Seoul Blue Square on the 12th and 13th, but it was postponed temporarily.
Group Seventeen Wonwoo also delivered the confirmation news. “Member Wonwoo tested it on a self-diagnosis kit on the 11th because of sore throat and Merxat symptoms, and positive results were revealed,” Seventeen’s agency told the official social network service (SNS). “We immediately conducted a PCR test and were confirmed on the 12th,” he said. As a result, Wonwoo has entered home treatment, and it is difficult to participate in the online event commemorating the release of the mini 9th album Ataka, which is scheduled to be held on the day.
Member Hoshi, who contacted Wonwoo, was negatively judged in both the self-diagnosis kit and the rapid antigen test, and the preemptive PCR test was also conducted and the results are waiting. Other members are said to have not contacted Wonwoo and Hoshi.
Group Blanky is also looking at whether the debut schedule will change as four members are confirmed to be Corona 19 ahead of their debut. Keystone Entertainment, a subsidiary company, said that Lee Young-bin, Kim Tae-woo, Park Dong-hyuk and Park Si-woo were confirmed among the nine members. Blanky was scheduled to make his debut in earnest by releasing concept photos and reality shows ahead of his debut in the first half of this year, but he will concentrate on treatment of Corona 19 according to the guidelines.
In addition, Gunwoo of the group T1419 announced the confirmation to Corona 19 following member Xian. Xian has recently been quarantined and treated. Actor Huh Sung-tae and comedian Kim Jun-ho were also treated with Corona 19 positive.