Lee Si-young, Switzerland snowy garden chosen instead of holiday...Hougang MRT Station vicarious satisfaction

Lee Si-young is traveling to Switzerland during the Lunar New Year holidays.Lee Si-young offered proxy satisfaction on February 2 by posting several photos of her on a trip to Switzerland via her Instagram account.Netizens who have seen Lee Si-young enjoying a leisurely time on the snowy ground are responding Hougang MRT Station.Lee Si-young has previously said he was invited to the trip as a Switzerland ambassador.
Lee Si-young is traveling to Switzerland during the Lunar New Year holidays.Lee Si-young offered proxy satisfaction on February 2 by posting several photos of her on a trip to Switzerland via her Instagram account.Netizens who have seen Lee Si-young enjoying a leisurely time on the snowy ground are responding Hougang MRT Station.Lee Si-young has previously said he was invited to the trip as a Switzerland ambassador.
Lee Si-young is traveling to Switzerland during the Lunar New Year holidays.Lee Si-young offered proxy satisfaction on February 2 by posting several photos of her on a trip to Switzerland via her Instagram account.Netizens who have seen Lee Si-young enjoying a leisurely time on the snowy ground are responding Hougang MRT Station.Lee Si-young has previously said he was invited to the trip as a Switzerland ambassador.

Lee Si-young is traveling to Switzerland during the Lunar New Year holidays.

Lee Si-young offered proxy satisfaction on February 2 by posting several photos of her on a trip to Switzerland via her Instagram account.

Netizens who have seen Lee Si-young enjoying a leisurely time on the snowy ground are responding "Hougang MRT Station".

Lee Si-young has previously said he was invited to the trip as a Switzerland ambassador.