Kahi, who had been involved in the 'After School Discussion' after the 'military bullying', deleted 'Ueeman'

After School Dispute is re-ignited in 13 years because of the unsettling behavior of Kahi, the group's leader and member. He kept the photos he took with others on his SNS and deleted only the pictures with Uee. Moreover, Kahi had previously attracted attention with his remarks that he had caught the members' military flag through various broadcasts and that "the bullying in the group was Baro me".
Kahi posted a photo of Uee on her personal social media on the 15th, with the pair posing hand hearts side by side, revealing their unwavering friendship. On the same day, Uee also released a photo of Kahi and expressed affection for "My sister is a wonderful person! An eternal leader."
But the next day Kahi suddenly deleted the post. "I thought it was so nice to upload a picture of another person on the feed, so I thought it would be nice to have fans. I kept it again because I told you about it.” Uee’s SNS shows the photos taken with Kahi.
The netizens wondered about Kahi's sudden deletion of the photo. Unlike his explanation that he does not upload photos taken with others, he deletes photos because the photos taken with the members and choreographers he met at 'Idol' remain intact.
After School suffered from past feuds: in October 2009, when member Yo-young declared his withdrawal (The Graduate), rumors of discord between members caught fire. With member Uee becoming famous, After School's awareness has risen vertically, the question has grown even bigger as The Graduate has been less than a year.
Yoo So-young said that The Graduate reason was "because of health and study." Since then, he has explained the disagreement through various entertainment programs. In 2016, KBS2 Happy Together 3 said, "Any group is fighting and reconciliation." "It is only a struggle, but the story has grown."
But it was Kahi who set fire to the After School feud. In 2016, he appeared on TVN 'field talk show taxi', saying, "I think it is a disadvantage to my personality." He confessed, "I had a controversy about the After School dispute on the air before, and the bullying was Baro me."
Kahi appeared on TVN 'Omnis' big question 'broadcasted in 2011 and mentioned the disagreement. "I think there are a lot of women, a lot of people who are very strong, and I have a lot of children's military, so it seems that the disagreement comes naturally," he said.
After confiding that he had captured the members' military flag, he was conscious of bad public opinion. He was put on the verge that the members had eluded him. Yoo So-young, who tried to calm down rumors by explaining the dispute through broadcasting and posting a certification shot with Kahi on SNS, is in a embarrassing situation.
The discord between members is often the process of the Idol group; as many individuals live in community, there is no disagreement or dispute. Even if there is a disagreement, it is a rumor that the relationship between each other becomes stronger over time and disappears naturally.
After School is becoming a legend girl group with great popularity with hits such as 'Diva' and 'Because of You' after its debut in 2009. But the rumours of a blurring 11 years ago have been repeatedly talked about: That's why fans can be heard sighing sadly, hoping After School will be honored with Memory.