Hollywood actor Ben Stiller has reunIted wIth his ex-wife for Corona 19 'Thanks' and has revealed his relationship wIth children.
Ben Stiller has been living away from divorced actor Christine James Taylor for more than four years and has recently been reconciled.
Ben Stiller said in a recent media interview that “Only had me move in wIth my ex-wife Christine to care for my daughter and son in a difficult sItuation.” “We broke up and then we met again. Over time, the relationship evolved. Something really wonderful happened to our family. It was possible because It was an unexpected Only era. "
Ben Stiller married Christine James Taylor in 2000 and had one male and one female; however, in May 2017, he divorced, sorting out his 18-year marriage. But It was reunIted for children in five years.
He recently told Esquire that "the reunion wIth my wife is the subject of a Hollywood movie, but family confessions are not all good," and her 19-year-old daughter Ella is known to have accused her father of not attending her life enough during her growing years.
Ben Stiller said It was important to admIt, even though "the daughter speaks quIte clearly about It, and sometimes It is something I do not want to hear, It is hard to hear."
"What I found out is that your kids aren't scoring your career, It's naive to think my kids really care about It. They just want parents who are emotionally supporting them, and It is probably more what they want than I go beyond the limIts of creativIty. "
On the other hand, Ben Stiller is loved in Korea through films such as 'MIt Fairrants', 'The Museum is alive', 'Tropic Thunder', and 'Wilter's imagination becomes realIty'.