'That year we're going to go out' Roh Jin-eui "If you'd like me to call the entertainment...'Running Man'."

Actor Roh Jin-eui showed off his dream of performing arts.
Roh Jin-eui played the role of EnJessie J in SBS Drama 'We That Year' which ended on the 25th. EnJessie J is a Choi Jeong idol who is loved by the whole people, but she has gained sympathy as a person who loves Choi Woong (Choi Woo-sik) in the play.
'That year we' is a dizzying romance Drama that pretends to be a youth documentary that is forced to be summoned in front of the camera after 10 years of ties to the end.
Roh Jin-eui, who met at a cafe in Gangnam-gu, Seoul on the 24th, said of EnJessie J, "It was good to be honest with emotions, but my goal was to make sure that it did not cross the line or be rude. So I think I tried to express and accept it more coolly. I also thought that viewers would like to see and sympathize with the pain and wounds that Enzie J has as an entertainer. "
For the characterization of Choi Jing idol, EnJessie J attempted to bleaching for the first time in her life; he said, "It's an idol. Styling has also made a lot of effort to make it look various, and there was a limit to expressing the aura of top idols only by acting. So I think I tried a lot to express such things as much as possible externally. "
Roh Jin-eui also said, "I did not refer to a specific person, but I looked for a lot of videos of idols. I saw a documentary about how I work in foreign countries as well as domestic activities, and I think I brainwashed the life of an idol. "
Roh Jin-eui, who transformed into an idol from external appearance to mental setting, came to the interview with calm hair color. "The bleaching of the hair was not painful, but every time I dried my head, it was a little bit painful. I was the first to bleaching, so I wanted to try pink and purple after the bleaching, but I had a smoke target and dyed it in a calm dark color. "
When asked about the scene remaining in the most Memory to Roh Jin-eui, he cited a drunken god. "I had a desire to do well and I was ready to keep working hard, carrying the script all month because it was my first act," Roh Jeong-eui said.
"It was difficult for each god to be difficult. EnJessie J said, "Because there is no one to accept the words, I kept talking to myself and felt like a monologue because the sentiment line came and went."
In the last episode, God confronting Choi Woong is the most satisfying scene. "Whatever you take, there is a regret, but one of them is the last. There is a story that I tell the artist the day before he goes to study abroad, and each ambassador is good and the sincerity of Enzie J is contained. "
Roh Jin-eui drew attention with his colorful emotional performances; in his first meeting with Choi Woong, he also dripped tears at the sight of the painting. Roh Jin-eui said, "I really have a sense of stability and comfort in the painting, and there is a Memory that I went to another exhibition hall and was so comforted at that time. It was an exhibition of the artist who draws only buildings and nature, and there was comfort, stability, and loneliness of the paintings that people do not come out. I think I had a lot of thoughts while watching the picture. "
When asked about the synchro rate with EnJessie J to Roh Jin-eui, he laughed and said, "I think it's about 30%." Roh Jin-eui said, "Since I have been working since I was a child, my troubles are similar, but the environment that lives externally is so different. It seems that it was difficult to express economics, love, and emotions at all. "The resemblance is that I worked since I was a child. So, it seems that the troubles of EnJessie J are understandable and sympathetic. "
What does Roh Jin-eui want to try, who is giving freshness to each work in a new way? Roh Jin-eui said, "Please please do too much entertainment. I hope you can call me anywhere. I hope you can write the article "Roh Jeong-eui." (Laughing) I want you to give me a chance, too."
"I really like the arts. It's so hard to choose, but I wanted to go to Running Man too much from a young age. I want to go out once, and I want to go out with my brother, and I want to do too much to include my daily life. "
Asked Roh Jin-eui today's TMI, he said, "I go to work out after the interview. And yesterday I received a massage and I relaxed my whole body muscles, but my back is still throbbing, so I am actually putting a hot pack. "
Finally, Roh Jin-eui asked what kind of Actor he wanted to be Memory. "New Actor. I hope that whatever work you do will be accepted. I want to be an Actor who can change every time, and can digest any character well. "