Dentist Lee Su-jin, famous for 'in between', apologises to his mother
Lee Su-jin posted on his personal SNS on the 16th, "I apologized to my mother after I had a rabbling, so I thought I would sleep and sleep. Thank you, my Fathers."
I also captured a message to my mother. The message said, "I'm sorry. I didn't go out to do that. I was talking to Dr. Oh Eun Young about my mother without knowing it. I said that I understood my mother as the same woman, over 50 years old, but it was edited and cut. At the age of 25, Father said he understood how hard it was for me to get pregnant and to be alone in Vietnam. I mean it," it says.
I wonder how hard it must have been for my mother, at the age of 25 when she was young, and I pray she knows God now and is peaceful, she added.
Lee Su-jin appeared on the comprehensive channel channel A Oh Eun Young's Gold Counseling Center, which was broadcast on the 14th, and Lee Su-jin was frankly confident about his daughter's worries and disagreements with his ex-husband.
Lee Su-jin mentioned her 20-year-old daughter, who is doing nothing while giving up college and not working. Lee Su-jin has spoken out of concern, commenting on her daughter's Middle school dropout. I was worried that my daughter, who announced her willingness to drop out in the Middle school senior year, was staying without any will after a few years.
Lee Su-jin said that her daughter took for granted that she would receive living expenses from her mother, but said, "I will jump in a second after my mother's death." Tyler said to his daughter, 'Your earning is important,' but Lee Su-jin was also deeply troubled as a mother.
Lee Su-jin also mentioned a disagreement with her ex-husband. Lee Su-jin said, " (Daughter) asked me about Father for the first time and said frankly. I hit my mother, and the rant and assault went on and I couldn’t stand it. I’d blame you if you’d been there. “I explained that it would be worse to raise my daughter in a house full of verbal abuse and assault.”
Lee Su-jin's pain was not just her ex-husband's assault. Her mother's injuries were also great. Lee Su-jin said, "My mother had a preference for boys. She said she had a lot of old-fashioned things for me and she was happy to have a little brother.”
When my ex-husband called my mother in surprise when she applied for an interview with her daughter, she said, "Why do you tell me that? You should not have been born. I hope you go abroad and die without knowing a rat or a bird. I was told that if I die in Korea, my mother, who will be in the honor of Father, I will go away and die. "
- Here's a specialization in Lee Su-jin Instagram posts
I'm sorry. I didn't go out to do that. I was talking to Dr. Oh Eun Young, and I didn't know. I said that I understood my mother as the same woman, over 50 years old, but it was edited and cut. At the age of 25, Father told me how hard it must have been for me to get pregnant and be home to my mother-in-law. It didn't appear on the air. I mean it
Lee Su-jin Instagram