Yu Minsang "Short-Lipped Sun and Date...I had a hunch as soon as I saw it: I'm a competitor" (TV Cultwo Show)

Yu Minsang appeared as a special DJ in the corner of SBS Power FM 'Doosan Escape TV Cultwo Show' on the 21st.
On this day, DJ Kim Tae-kyun asked Yu Minsang about the meeting with the short-lipped sun, saying, "I did a Date with the short-lipped sun in 'delicious guys'." Yu Minsang said, "It's not like it's a Date. I was surprised to see my oppOnent. The blind Date concept had changed clothes on purpose, but I knew that I was a competitor. Mukbang's god came out. It was not Date. Even Mr. Hat did not know that it was such a concept, and he thought he was just eating. "
"I ate pasta and steak at the time, and I ate all the menus there, as well as a few rounds of the menu, and stopped because of the shooting time. Mukbang experts were different, "he said." It is not like this rainbow and pink atmosphere at all. Unlike the concept, Mukbang was the only One. "