Ki Tae-young is moved by the hearts of her two daughters
At KBS 2TV 'Stars' Top Recipe at Fun-Staurant', which will be broadcast on December 3, Ki Tae-young will challenge her two daughters, Rohee and Laurin, to make homemade party food suitable for birthdays and the end of the year.
Ki Tae-young, who was released on the day, said his birthday is coming soon, and stood in the kitchen saying, "It is the end of the year and I want to make cake to eat with children." But Ki Tae-young, who wants to make a birthday cake, has Choices ingredients Pasta. For a while, Ki Tae-young took a surprise visual cake with Pasta and robbed her eyes. All of the 'Stars' Top Recipe at Fun-Staurant' family members admired Ki Tae-young's skill in completing the cake with careful attention to the details of the "gitale" as well.
Father Ki Tae-young wasn't the only one who prepared birthday cakes: Rohee, Laurin Guillomi, Loroszam, who secretly prepared their own cakes for Father. Ki Tae-young, who saw a cake decorated with bracken handwriting and beautifully decorated, was impressed. Here, a letter filled with the hearts of Rohee and Laurin is said to have made Father Ki Tae-young more cluttered.
The first, Rohee, “I wish Father was not sick,” surprised everyone by Confessions, and I wonder why Rohee wished this. Ki Tae-young, while watching VCR together, reveals her love for her sister with her honey dripping eyes, and is especially saddened by her two daughters growing up. )’ Confessions of symptoms. The Stars' Top Recipe at Fun-Staurant is said to have become a laughing sea in response to the reaction of Father Ki Tae-young, who is quite different from his two daughters.