Coming Comedian kim chul-min has died after a battle with lung cancer, and a wave of mourning continues.
The late kim chul-min died on the 16th in the hospice ward of the Nuclear Hospital in Nowon-gu, Seoul.
The deceased is a brother of the late Singer Nah Hoon-ah (Kim Gap-soon), who made his debut as a Comedian in the fifth MBC bond in 1994. MBC 'Gagya' and the movie 'Cheongdam Bodhisattva', and have met the public through comedy performances and bus kings.
However, he has been diagnosed with lung cancer in 2019 and has continued his life of battling. In particular, he showed his strong will to live by revealing his battling through SNS.
He later wrote on the 10th, "Thank you for your Happiness; thank you; I love you," and died six days later.
The sad news was followed by a series of colleagues' Memorials: his best friend DJ Hashim, "The Heart of Heaven: clown kim chul-min. I have returned to the heavenly country where I was originally after the picnic. I am grateful, grateful, respectful and loving. "
Comedian Jong Chul, famous for his 'Okdongja', said, "Brother, he always gave us a happy smile and gave your skills to his juniors when performing. "Please, please, please, do your best in the sky," Kim Won-hyo wrote, "Go to a good place and laugh and live. Thank you for being funny."
Kim Jae-wook also said, "My face, which has always been welcomed, is still good to see. What do you do because Daehangno is so bad? I will keep my neck open and I will keep my song and gag without a microphone. Please continue to perform on the street in the sky. Bye, Mr.
"When I went to Daehangno, I always went to the theater while watching kim chul-min, who was always playing guitar outdoors and laughing people. Now laugh in the sky, "Kim Yong wrote," Now sing in a place where there is no pain, and rest comfortably. I wish you the best of the deceased.
The harmony was also followed by the funeral parlors of the deceased, including Eom Young-soo and Yoo Jae-Suk Park Myeong-su Jo Se-ho and Ko Myung-hwan.
The netizens are also continuing their mourning wave, especially since both parents and older brothers of the deceased are known to have died of cancer, which is causing sadness.