Actor Kim Su-ro was tested for a new Covidvirus infection (Covid19).
Kim Su-ro recently tested positive for Covid19 and received a final tested positive ruling from the health authorities on Thursday after receiving PCRInspection. Kim Su-ro is known to have entered self-punciation for treatment.
As a result, all of the filming of Drama 'We Are From Today' was stopped. Actors and other crews who have contacted Kim Su-ro are also waiting for the results after receiving the Covid19 response Inspection.
The entertainment industry has recently suffered from filming emergency due to a surge in Covid19 infections. Actor Jung Woo-sung, Go Kyung-pyo, and Black Pink Lisa reported the Covid19 tested positive bibo.
As of today, the number of new tested positive patients in Covid19 reached a record high of 5123; the number of cumulative patients was 452,350.
“We expect the number of tested positive embroideries to reach the early 5,000 mark on the 1st,” the Central Disaster Safety Headquarters (JJP) said. “The number of patients with severe illnesses is around 700 by yesterday, and the utilization rate of beds is increasing around the metropolitan area.”