In the JTBC Saturday drama "Kugyeongi", which aired on the 20th, Kei (Kim Hye-joon), who tried to kill Gotham (Kim Su-ro), was portrayed.
Lee Yeong-ae tried hard to infer and prevent Kei's Murder How, but what Kei prepared was separate. However, Kei found an aunt, Jeongyeon (Ship line), at the scene. Kei shouted to Gun-wook (Lee Hong-nae) who was at the scene to bring her aunt out immediately, but Jeongyeon panicked and asked Gun-wook, "Is Kim Hye-joon related to the real Gotham?"
Soon, Gunwook was chased by a spectator and left the scene first, and Jeongyeon went to the secret passage after Gotham, who was running away, and died through the abdomen in the harpoon prepared by Kei. As he ran toward his aunt, Kei was shocked to see her fall.
On the other hand, it was Na Je-hee (Kwak Sun-young) who took Gotham. Na Je-hee called Kim (Jeong Seok-yong) immediately after turning off the call of the gyeonggi, and Yong-sook (Kim Hae-sook) said, Gotham "has nothing to leak. I will be with him even if I die. "He said that he was killed by Camouflage.