In the SBS entertainment program 'All The Butlers' broadcasted on the 5th, Yeo Esther - Hong Hye-geol couple, who is the representative doctor couple of Korea and the health mentor of the whole nation, appeared as masters and talked.
Yang Se-hyeong asked the two, "I saw you living in Seoul, do you live in Jeju Island?" And Yeo Esther said, "Husband set up a house in Jeju Island for health. "I'm living separately from myself," said Yeo Esther, who said, "because of health, I decided to stay friendly and indifferent to Husband, becoming Menopausal with each other. I was hurt by the eyes of Mr. Hong Hye-geol, and Husband was stressed by me, so I decided that I would rather live separately. Living apart, I felt better. My mind was stable. Husband was happy, too."
On the day, the two spoke of cancer: "Cancer is a double-debt, randomly occurring, cancer is what causes cells to metamorphose. If you go beyond your 330s, you will develop cancer cells every day. If you have 1 billion such cancer cells, you will become a 1cm cancer mass. "
Yeo Esther then said: "Men are rapidly ill from age 45, with only one age falling in Immunity. Sleep well until the 2-30s, and if you eat well, you will recover. Not when you are getting weaker. "
He also talked about Hair loss. Yeo Esther said, "Hair loss is genetically affected, but it does not mean that it is inherited by filtering. And while many people know that Hair loss has a greater influence on the family, Hair loss has a greater influence on the family. If there is a genetic effect, it will be teeming from the early 20s, "he said." If you wear a lot of matching hats, it affects scalp health. Even if you wear a hat, it's okay to wear a loose hat. " Yang Se-hyeong was shocked that Hair loss was more affected by the outside world, saying, "I know my grandfather has a lot of hair."
"It is good to take drugs related to male hormones to prevent Hair loss," said Yeo Esther, who was curious about the side effects. Yeo Esther said, "There is a side effect of sexual desire decline by about 0.2%, and it is almost impossible to see. If you think that you can push your head when you become a Hair loss, it is okay, but if you are less confident as Hair loss progresses, it is better to take medicine and restore confidence. " Hong Hye-geol said, "But the loss of sexual desire is not bad, it is cumbersome when I get older."
Photo: SBS broadcast screen