'Fourth Pregnancy' Jung Ju-Ri "A Less-Looking Compared to Loved Husband" (Same Bed, Different Dreams 2)

On the 13th SBS 'Same Bed, Different Dreams 2: You Are My Dest - You Are My Destiny', Jung Ju-Ri was on the air as he visited Lee Ji-hye's house.
Lee Ji-hye took a self-fulfilled picture ahead of her birth. Husband Moon Jea-wan and daughter Tari turned into photographers themselves and took a full picture of Lee Ji-hye.
Jung Ju-Ri, who is currently pregnant for the fourth time, came to Lee Ji-hye's house. Jung Ju-Ri said that Lee Ji-hye asked about the full-scale picture, first and second, but third, he did not. Jung Ju-Ri said that in the third case, there is no picture of a day.
Lee Ji-hye asked Jung Ju-Ri if he wanted to give birth as it happened. Jung Ju-Ri said, "I said I was going to have my youngest luck this year, but I got pregnant next month. "It looks less like what we loved," said Lee Ji-hye, who told Moon Jea-wan, "I guess we didn't love it too much."
Jung Ju-Ri said: "I wanted my daughter from the first time; I wanted her from the second time, but I gave up on the third time, and then I just laughed. I know a mother with three people, "he said, saying," It's fun. "
Moon Jea-wan tried to prepare seaweed soup as a recreational ceremony for two pregnant women. Moon Jea-wan started making seaweed soup for the first time.
Lee Ji-hye handed Jung Ju-Ri a jingol and asked him to exercise with a jingol while he became a seaweed soup; Jung Ju-Ri said, "I enjoy this body. I do not want to lie down, "he said, but once he sat on the gym ball.
Jung Ju-Ri confessed that Lee Ji-hye gave birth to the first Taeri with a cesarean section, saying, "I am naturalism. All three were underwater with the help of premature birth." Lee Ji-hye was surprised and asked why he chose that way: Jung Ju-Ri said, "I was premarital. I went in secret. That's where the hospital was. I didn't know it would take so long. It was 30 hours. I thought I was dying. Second time I could do better. Fourth time I can do really well."
Lee Ji-hye informed Jung Ju-Ri about the C-section, who said: "I stay still and then go to the day before. When you lie on the operating table, you have a shot on the vertebrae and anesthesia. In about 15 minutes, it's "born." Pain begins the next day. Death. It feels like all the organs are pouring out. It hurts so much. "
Jung Ju-Ri, eating as a Moon Jea-wan table seaweed soup, now stored Husband on his mobile phone as "a thousand bees; before that, it was the source of the panacea. It seemed that it was because of Husband that it was sick. "
Photo: SBS broadcast screen