90-year-old assailant who killed his ex-girlfriend's parents...Son Su-ho "the youngest death row" (Crazy Love X)

In the TV Chosun 'Crazy Love X' broadcast on the 15th, Son Su-ho Lawyer is now the youngest person in Korea to tell about the death penalty.
On that day, Shin Dong-yup introduced the first story, "I saw the devil." Hanyuna was found bleeding on the floor of the apartment, was taken to the hospital, and was diagnosed with a coma condition. Then, my boyfriend Kim Gyu-sang ran.
Hanyuna learned about Kim Kyu-sung's violence in a situation about two months after she dated Kim Gyu-sang. When Kim Yu-na said she was going to a Family meeting with her, she continued to drink and said, "Is it funny? "Han Yu-na told Kim Gyu-sang, "Now I see you're a crazy man. Don't contact me." Kim Gyu-sang dragged Han Yuna to a place where there were no people the next day and started assault.
The fact that Kim Gyu-sang beat Han Yu-na quickly spread throughout the school, even being called to the professor in charge. At that time, Hanyu was working part-time. Kim Gyu-sang killed Hanyu's mother in the bathroom and then killed Hanyu's father.
Kim Gyu-sang sent a text message to Han Yu-na on her cell phone, and Han Yu-na arrived home without knowing that Kim Gyu-sang was sending a message, and was surprised to see the terrible situation. Eventually, Han Yu-na jumped out of her apartment on her own.
Watashi, Teiji de Kaerimasua, said Kim Gyu-sang was "a real demon"; Son Su-ho Lawyer said: "This is an incident that occurred in 2014. The perpetrator was born in 1990. "The victim was suffering from the perpetrator from midnight to 9 am and sex crimes were also committed. Son Su-ho Lawyer said, "The perpetrator was given an Imprisonment sentence and said he would pay for it. When the death penalty came out of the first trial, he changed his attitude and wrote 60 reflections. The appeal has been dismissed and is the youngest death row at present. "
Photo = TV Chosun Broadcasting Screen