On the afternoon of November 6, the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism (Minister Hwang Hee) Overseas Culture Promotion Agency (Director Park Jung-ryeol, hereinafter Hae Moon-hong) will hold an online event called 'Kei-Community Festival, 2021 Community Festival' with the Korea International Cultural Exchange Agency (Director Jung Gil-hwa, hereinafter KISA).
Loona (Loona) members HeeJin, Hyunjin, Hassle, Aftershock, Bibi, Kim Lip, Jinsol, Choi Ri, Eve, Chu, Highlands and Olivia Hye are presenting the pre-stage.
The Kei-Community Festival was hosted by Wi-Ai Kim Jun-seo, Loona Chu and Choi Hyun-jin (simultaneous interpreter), and will be attended by Monster X (Hannyangmu), Loona (Surgeon), Wikimiki (Sogo Dance), and Wi-Ai (Citizens' Song).
It will be broadcast live at 8 pm on YouTube 'K - Community Festival' channel.