Lee Ji-hoon said he had "identified vaccines," but Im Chang-jung did not vaccinate.
Singer and actor Lee Ji-hoon's Wedding ceremony is buzzing over the COVID-19 incident. On the 8th, Lee Ji-hoon and Sei Ashina's Wedding ceremony was held privately with only family and acquaintances. Since they had been informed through the entertainment program, many celebrations continued outside the Wedding ceremony.
However, the entertainment industry was overturned as the COVID-19 tested positive decision of singer Im Chang-jung, who sang the Wedding ceremony of these couples, was announced. Singer IU, musical actors Kai, Son Ho-joon and other entertainers attended Wedding ceremony.
"There is no additional tested positive," said Lee Ji-hoon's agency Jupiter Entertainment on Tuesday. "On the 8th, Lee Ji-hoon's private Wedding ceremony received a 9th day corona tested positive after Im Chang-jung sang a celebration. I wore a mask at the ceremony, and after the celebration, I stayed in my seat for a while and confirmed that I moved. "
"This ceremony was held privately by family members, and it was conducted thoroughly in accordance with the guidelines for the prevention of individual partitions and vaccinations. We are in the process of guiding our families and guests according to the guidelines. "
As for the additional tested positives, "As soon as the contents were received, Lee Ji-hoon and his wife (Sei Ashina), and five managers who helped Wedding ceremony in the aides, received the 9th day afternoon Inspection and received a full voice judgment. There are no additional tested positives at present. "
Unlike the agency's words, "We have thoroughly followed the guidelines for vaccination, such as confirmation of vaccination," Im Chang-jung, who called the celebration, is said to have not completed the vaccination. However, Im Chang-jung said, "I always conducted self-kit or PCR Inspection before the schedule and thoroughly prevented personal protection."
Jupiter Entertainment said, "The guests checked," but "it is difficult to comment on Im Chang-jung."
Fortunately, no additional tested positives have been released. However, Lee Ji-hoon's words, "I have thoroughly confirmed," have lost trust, and it has been more controversial, including the excessive Wedding ceremony schedule that lasted to the third part, and the "Nomask Wedding ceremony certification shot".