How to cope with traffic accidents by Han Mun-cheol # Blind Zone #Revanche Driving # Dark Drive (All The Butlers)

In the SBS entertainment program All The Butlers' broadcasted on the 31st, Han Moon-cheol, a lawyer specializing in traffic accidents, appeared as the master as the last part of the 'Crisis Escape Number 3' feature. And Grie took part as a daily student.
The members of All The Butlers wondered if Han Mun-cheol was good at driving. Han Moon-chul said, "I can not drive. I think all the cars are coming to me suddenly, and the kids are going to pop out of the side suddenly. "I think people will lie on the floor when I break the curve," he added, adding that the door is scary because of the risk factors that are so visible that I know.
On this day, Han Moon-chul told the members how to deal with traffic accidents with three keywords. The first keyword was blind spot. The blind spot accident seen through the actual black box image could be the party of the accident. Especially, the accident caused the viewers to be surprised by the people who suddenly jumped during the operation. In this situation, lawyer Han Moon-chul said, "If you are unhappy, you should ask for a quick trial instead of a penalty. However, there are many cases where the penalty is just paid even though it is unfair. "
The next keyword was Revanche driving, called the time bomb on the road. "So Han Moon-chul said," Revanche driving should lock the car door once. You can't get out of the car. The world is so scary. Call 112 immediately, open a window. Revanche. Then, as the Revanche driver is excited and the voice is recorded, it remains a proof. The level of punishment for Revanche driving is high. "
The last keyword was dark driving. In the daytime, things are often invisible at night. Especially in the absence of street lights. If you turn on the upper light, you can see it up to 100 meters in front of you. You can take care of the crisis.
On this day, Han Moon-chul gave a lot of help to the members by vividly showing the dangerous situations that had almost passed without thinking.
Photo: SBS broadcast screen