Yuk Jidam ""'Where's The Money, Noreen?'" Hard-line Responses Without Apologies for the crew" (Interview)

Rapper Yuk Jidam's problem for Where's The Money, Noreen?, which has been noises several times, is expected to continue.
"Where's The Money, Noreen?" Yuk Jidam said in an interview with the 13th, "I really want to see no more Victims like myself."
Earlier, Yuk Jidam posted an article on his social network service (SNS) on the 9th day, sniping the production team who watched the unfairness of Where's The Money, Noreen? and the injury of his own. It was also a program that emphasized reality and survival, but it has been pointed out that there was actually a connection between the winner and the production team and the program shooting was not fair.
YouTube web entertainment program Where's The Money, Noreen? was planned and directed by YouTuber Jin Yong-jin, and several participants succeeded in the box office with survival with about 480 million won in a sealed space. The winner was named No. 5 Iruri and No. 8 Nayar, and ended in May.
Yuk Jidam, a former contestant, claimed he was injured in a fight between other contestants during filming and suffered serious back injuries.
Yuk Jidam said, "The two people were hurt by pushing me while I was not fighting for the 3rd (Park Jun-hyung) and 7th (Gao Gai) participants." The situation was more serious than the broadcast at the time, but the production team did not take any action and filmed it. "
“When it was time to ban traffic after a physical fight, the medical staff and the crew came in to me in the solitary room,” Yuk Jidam said. “At the time of the consultation, the crew agreed that they could release participants three first.” This promise from the production team was not kept.
Yuk Jidam protested the unfair way, but the production team also ignored it. “When the crew came into my room, Jin Yong-jin sneaked into the hole for delivering daily necessities in the room where there were three times,” he said. “The next day, three times he even admitted it himself.” Yuk Jidam later asked for the video release, but the crew refused.
Yuk Jidam, who was injured, was treated after filming Where's The Money, Noreen? and charged the production team for the hospital expenses. "I will sue the participants three times," he added, but the crew showed only three participants to the end.
Yuk Jidam claimed that 'Where's The Money, Noreen?' The unfair shooting method of the production team was due to 'invitation of Jiin-Bae'. Unlike himself who submitted the application directly, many participants, including number 3, participated in the program through the invitation.
Yuk Jidam explained that the injury was severe after shooting, but he could not get proper treatment due to the settlement of the controversy and mental stress.
In addition, I did not receive the action of the production team after shooting, and I did not even apologize. “I’m afraid that the production team will have another Victims, where’s The Money, Noreen?, which failed to protect the cast,” he said, adding that he wanted a sincere apology from the production team and participants 3 and 7.
I tried to contact the production team to hear the position of the production team related to 'Where's The Money, Noreen?', but the production team said, "I will not express my position."